Friday, February 11, 2022

My Quotes

 I could not understand it. The world took 38 years to make me understand (me so dumb) that we can buy literally anything with money. Every person, every relation, literally everything has a cost. pay it and get it.

happiness and sadness go in hand in hand. Happiness meets you in the fold of sadness and sadness in the fold of happiness. 

Your depression is not the result of the circumstances. it is the conspiracy of your negative mind. if everything goes great in present, it will make you repent about the past or it will make you scared about the future. so recognize the real culprit, it is inside not outside.

Run to reach your goal but keep in mind. Staying back, taking rest and reflecting on yourself is also equally important.

Never Compete with anyone.!, Competitions are unhealthy. It makes you compare with others. if you have to compete, compete with yourself.